Tetra Tech and 运行的潮流 discuss how a leading with nature approach can help offshore wind clients to make a positive impact on ocean health and can support regional and corporate sustainability goals.
Tetra Tech’s sustainability and nature-based solutions expert 杰森Coccia and co-author Adam Baske, 运行的潮流’s director of aquaculture and restoration, discuss the case for nature-based solutions for offshore wind projects.
Carbon has led the sustainability conversation for many years now, though a focus on nature is swiftly gaining momentum globally. The business case for focusing on leading with nature to manage risks and opportunities and realize measurable impact with a wealth of co-benefits is becoming clearer. 创建 Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the focused effort to build global standards around enhanced management of natural capital assets—in addition to carbon management—are quickly rising as priorities. A sustainability strategy with an amplified focus on biodiversity and nature-based solutions demonstrates an organization’s 环境、社会和治理成熟度, as well as its ability to adapt and build 弹性 to climate and nature-related challenges, with both people and planet in mind. 在利乐全球最大体育平台, we’re supporting our clients across the globe by leveraging our science and 工程 expertise to design bespoke solutions for their unique sustainability challenges and opportunities.
在今天的环境下, habitat degradation and biodiversity loss are most starkly visible among coral reefs in the tropics. More temperate regions are just as vulnerable, 如果不是这样的话, 对气候的影响, 大规模的发展, and increasing demands on wild fisheries. In the northeastern United States, fish distribution patterns, natural recruitment variability, and climate change pressures may all work to constrain the productivity of many marine resources and the people who rely on them.
The science and funding are clear—nature-based solutions offer a mechanism to proactively manage risks and achieve climate targets.
The latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly outlines several well-known impacts of anthropogenic activity 跨越全球海洋. Some leading governments see potential in using nature-based solutions to reverse these human-caused effects. 保护方案, 可持续管理, and restore modified ecosystems must be inspired and supported by nature so that they are resilient, 适应性强的, 和成本效益. Such solutions simultaneously provide 环境, social, and economic benefits to stakeholders.
Nature-based solutions enhance ecosystems and improve sustainability outcomes for offshore wind
In partnership with ocean health company 运行的潮流, Tetra Tech is supporting the deployment of innovative nature-based solutions for our offshore wind clients at speed and scale. These interventions use 技术, 工程, data, and real-time monitoring to provide a measurable, positive impact to oceanic and coastal ecosystems. They also improve coordination and collaboration among ocean-based operators and stakeholders. One example of a solution we offer is shellfish, 海草, and/or macroalgae planting for scour protection and surrounding cable-crossing areas, providing habitat enhancement and biodiversity benefits. The solution also helps developers meet project-level mitigation requirements and their corporate sustainability goals.
Tetra Tech brings decades of experience supporting clients to meet their restoration and biodiversity goals. 举个例子, Tetra Tech supported the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana on its Living Shoreline Demonstration Project to evaluate products to establish a living shoreline along 21 miles of coastal fringe marsh in the Gulf of Mexico. The project resulted in enhanced coastal 弹性 to wind-wave action, stimulated oyster growth, increased biodiversity in the area, and obtained permits on schedule to complete project construction within the grant funding period.
Leveraging our suite of 利乐全球最大体育平台 技术, we provide our clients with coastal and climate change modeling, artificial intelligence, 地理信息系统, and remote sensing to simulate the impact of a changing climate on our environment. Our holistic approach to using technological, 生物, and engineered solutions enables us to support our clients from project design through implementation.
运行的潮流 designs and implements nature-based interventions that rebalance Earth’s carbon cycle, decarbonize global supply chains, restore marine ecosystems, and revitalize coastal communities. 运行的潮流’s fleet of mobile shellfish nursery systems automate production of multiple bivalve species and are capable of providing commercial and ecosystem service value to nearshore and offshore areas. This solution requires a fraction of the space, labor, and materials of conventional farming. These systems use state-of-the-art 技术, including machine vision and automated sorting systems, for constant monitoring and adaptation. 运行的潮流 also cultures a range of macroalgae that offer significant ecological value and encourage enhanced biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, as well as deploys a multi-pathway system for carbon removal.
在一起, Tetra Tech and 运行的潮流 are supporting our clients to move beyond carbon and take a leading with nature approach to improve ecosystem health, 管理气候风险, and realize measurable operational and community-wide impacts.
全球 funding for nature-based solutions is growing rapidly
As the deadline to meet Paris Agreement targets approaches, private and government funding has grown rapidly. The Council of the European Union (EU) recently endorsed a new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, calling for more nature-based solutions to help build resilience to climate change and enhance biodiversity. The Council backed this up by pledging an increase in spending for biodiversity in the Multiannual Financial Framework to 10 percent in 2026. In the United States, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has dedicated $47 billion for climate 弹性 projects, including nature-based infrastructure. At COP27, the Biden administration released the first strategy of its kind, the Nature-Based 解决方案 Roadmap, to scale up solutions to address habitat loss and climate change.在一起, Tetra Tech and 运行的潮流 are supporting our clients to move beyond carbon and take a leading with nature approach to improve ecosystem health, 管理气候风险, and realize measurable operational and community-wide impacts.
The science and funding are clear—nature-based solutions offer a mechanism to proactively manage risks and achieve climate targets.
Early movers can frame future standards
Integrating nature-inclusive design in the early stages of offshore wind development provides an opportunity for developers to build holistic projects that support positive economic, 环境, 以及社会影响. Early movers can set precedent for nature-based solutions standards for offshore wind and establish themselves as leaders in sustainability.
Tetra Tech’s and 运行的潮流’s solutions will help our clients proactively meet key business and regulatory sustainability objectives, including net-zero commitments, 减缓气候变化, 弹性, and nature-positive targets that enhance the value and impact of offshore wind projects.
杰森Coccia is Tetra Tech’s director for sustainability and nature-based solutions.
He helps clients achieve sustainability goals while managing risk tied to climate change and biodiversity loss. He focuses on developing comprehensive solutions that meet adaptation, 弹性, and mitigation needs while enhancing co-benefits of ecosystem services and human well-being.
He represents Tetra Tech on the international Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum and is professionally certified by the IUCN on its nature-based solutions standard. He has helped Fortune 500 companies implement carbon sequestration projects and other resource mitigation through large-scale ecosystem restoration.
An actively licensed certified public accountant, he holds a Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Enterprise and Master of 环境al Management in Resource Ecology.